
向こうから来た人が世田谷、東京、日本の生活を楽しんでいる (^_^)

Tuesday, January 31, 2006





PS: 前、少し千葉さんのサイトについて書きましたね。本当にフライフィッシングが好きです(ryecatcherのProfile写真を見てください)。

Monday, January 30, 2006



ところで、面白いいとこがいます(Aちゃん)。彼女はまだアメリカに住んでいて、最近よく面白い手紙を送ります。秋に会った時、Napoleon Dynamiteを見せた。その後AちゃんにNapoleon Dynamite冷蔵庫マグネットをもらいました!?

Sunday, January 29, 2006



Saturday, January 28, 2006


English below the fold...

Went looking for truffles in the mountains today. Here in Japan, you can search for places where wild boars have been digging. Only found a few places where something (boars?) had been digging. And although I didn't see any wild boars, I did talk with a guy out with his hunting dogs. Asked him if he was hunting boars and he smiled and said "yep!".

Friday, January 27, 2006

Friday's English (Itinerary)

Today's itinerary was:

6am - wake up, shower, breakfast of orange juice, oatmeal and coca-cola ;-)
9am - start work
1pm - lunch with students, one a "city girl", the other a "country girl"
5pm - shopping...mujirushi chili, Fisherman's Friend mints (for tomorrow's hike), and beer
7pm - write a little on 日本は面白い/世田谷の米国人
8pm - drink beer, drink whiskey, plan tomorrow's hike along the Sengen ridge
10pm - watch "My Name is Earl"

what an exciting day! :-| ??

Wednesday, January 25, 2006





Tuesday, January 24, 2006


今日、仕事の後八王子へショッピングに行きました。30分ぐらいしかなかったが、私のことは目立つかなァ。。。だって、3回他の人が「彼を見て」って感じを分かりました。1回目は女子大学生と思う。2回目は5歳ぐらいの男の子。彼は「ハロー!」と言って、私はニコニコして「Hello」と言いました。彼「バイバイ」。私「ByeBye」と言いました。私はフランス人じゃなくて、ドイツ人じゃなくて、スウェーデン人じゃなくて、イタリア人じゃなくて。。。英語を話せる人だ、彼はすぐ分かった!^_- 3回目は5/6歳ぐらいの女の子。ずっと私を見ていて、お母さんに「見て!」と言いました。どうしようと思って、ニコニコしました。

なぜ女子大学生の場合何もしなくて、子供の場合ニコニコするか?私も分かりません。English below the fold...
Wondering if I stand out... because while I was shopping in Hachioji today, I noticed 3 different people pointing me out to their friends/parents. (I hope it's just because I'm a little tall!?!) First were two college-age girls, I think. Second, was a little boy who greeted me "hello" and "goodbye" within a couple of seconds. (He knew by looking at me that I was an English speaker! ;-) The third was a little girl who stared and stared and when I looked back at her, said "Look!" to her mom. I smiled at her, but she didn't smile back... :-( Now if I can just learn to smile at the college girls, I'll be in business!

Monday, January 23, 2006


先週キャンベルスープを買った時、このハーブのシード(タネと言う?)をプレゼントで付いていました。「Rucola」って知らなかったが、少し調べて、英語では「Salad Rocket」と言います?!?ちょっと珍しいと思います。じゃ、このハーブを育てるかなァァ。。。おいしいんだってレストランもあるか
English below the fold...
I find some interesting things attached to products here in Japan, given away as presents. My favorite was a little keychain LED light in the shape of a tea leaf that came with a bottle of green tea. Last week, I got Rucola seeds with a can of Campbell's soup. Looked it up and was surprised it's called "salad rocket" in English?? Anyway, Japan is an interesting place. :-)

Sunday, January 22, 2006



Saturday, January 21, 2006


今日東京は雪国に成りました。(じゃ、「雪国」と言うはちょっと違いますね。^_^)また、ryecatcherのダメな写真/ビデオ。私は左のGIFを見た時、ちょっと気持ち悪く成りました。;-) ステディじゃないから。何と言えば?
(n) ability of a video camera to hold a scene steady (trans: scene toughness)

先、インターネットで調べました。「シーンタフネス性」できなかった。;-) 面白い。。。
所で,本当の「雪国」を読みましたか?(川端 康成) 私は英語のバージョンを読んで、大好きでした。

Friday, January 20, 2006

Friday's English - Jeopardy!

Jeopardy is a popular TV game show in America. Sometimes I play a simple paper version with my students. Basically, it's just a quiz, with 100 point, 200 point and 300 point questions (higher points are more difficult). Here's an example:

100pts: How do you write and pronounce ハーブティー in English?

200pts: What movie(s) had Gandalf, Frodo and Aragorn? And how do you write it in English?

300pts: What are 2 animals for which the singular and plural forms are the same in English?



Herb(al) Tea. In British English, the "H" is pronounced, but in American English, it is usually not pronounced.

"The Lord of the Rings"

sheep, deer, (others??)

Wednesday, January 18, 2006



Monday, January 16, 2006

For here or 都合?

まだ日本語の勉強はナマケモノです。。。でも土曜日、少~し教科書(Japanese For Busy People)を読みました。日本に住んでいるから、けっこう勉強しなくて単語少しづつ習います。でも「都合」って知らなかった。だから、どうやって覚えていると考えました。(特に、音読み使う単語が難しいと思います)あっ!ファストフードの店で*「For here or 都合?」がいいかも。。。;-)
English below the fold...

I'm a complete lazy ass about studying Japanese lately (for the latest 3 years...) But out of sheer boredom, I opened my J-textbook last Saturday (btw, it's not "Japanese", it's "The National Language", as it's called in schools here, positively Orwellian - imagine bold, patriotic music). I use "Japanese for Busy People" ("Japanese for Getting Busy"??) but just through osmosis, I seem to have picked up a lot of the vocabulary in the lessons I'm too lazy to study. But one word I hadn't picked up was "tsugou", which apparently means convenience, like "if it's convenient, I'll come over now". Anyway, these new words are tough to remember*, so I usually try a little "memory palace" trick to remember them. In this case, I came up with the corny scenario of a fast food joint clerk asking if the order is for here or "tsugou"? Yeah, it's corny, but I haven't forgotten it yet. ;-)

*"humberger"?!?! Ebenezer Scrooge visits McDonald's??

* Especially the words with the old Chinese reading are tough for me to remember, since there are so many homonyms.

Sunday, January 15, 2006


English below the fold...
Since December I've been working on these lacquered notebooks (maybe my last). Well, last week I finally finished them. You can see another photo on Flickr.If these turn out nice, I thought this would be something I could sell to transition to the life of a craftsman... but it turned out to be a massive pain in the ass - I had to apply at least 10 layers of lacquer. The one on the left I'll give to T. The one on the right I'll use myself. But what should I write in it?!? :-o

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Friday's English (100th Post) ちょっと早い

Well, I've been writing in this weblog since last July. From time to time, I've been lazy. But (according to Blogger) this is the 100th post.

Not a lot of people read this weblog - maybe about 30 people a day. But to those of you who come and read, thanks for your support! I owe a special "thanks" to Mr. Mochizuki of HappyLife because he linked to here and quite a few people click that link and come here.

Coming up soon:
  • the fall edition (a little late...) of "lacquered Muji notebooks" (not poor man's moleskines...)
  • more Absinthe in Tokyo (found a new location of one of my favorite liquor shops)
  • and (maybe) "Truffles in Tokyo" (not the chocolate ones)
Japanese people may be interested in some of the things I like here in Japan, especially food. Many of my students and friends are surprised that I like natto. Yes! It's true!

And many people laugh (why?!?) when I say that I like manju. Especially Matsudaira Manju. :-9

Well, that's all for today. Again, thanks for reading!

Sunday, January 08, 2006

シグナル・ツー・ノイズ Part 2

後は、"Toneflow"(<-mp3 file)も好きです。^_^ 前のポスト

面白いストーリーがある。私達(Steveと私)は大学の時バンドをできて、エレクトロニックの音楽をしました。最近、私はあまり作らないけど、Steveはずっと作っています。2年前、Steveからメールをもらって、「できれば”世界の歌”を作りたい」と書いた。できればきれいな声の女性に聞いて、もし良かったら、一緒に歌を作ろうって書いた。私が面白い生徒さんに説明して、「どう思う?」って聞いて、「いいよ!」と言った。あの生徒さんはAさんでした。授業の後、Steveがメールで送ったLyricsをAさんに見せて、PDAでAさんの声をレコードして、Steveに送りました。そして、Steveが "Pieces of Your Smile"(<-3.8MB mp3)を作りました。どうですか?歌詞を聞こえますか?



and since my Japanese is bad... here's the English version: if anybody is interested in working on a song with me and Steve, please get in touch with me.(since I don't want SPAM mail I won't write the email address directly, but you can figure it out, right?!) setagayaryeアットシンボルyahoo.fr

Saturday, January 07, 2006


↑ 俳句の本 (Flickrでもっと大きい写真を見れます

debrisbooks.pdf (3.4MB pdf ファイル Thanks to Gabe Shaughnessy and Jack Crocifisso, illustrations by Jack)


Friday, January 06, 2006

Friday's Beer Drinking English

It's cooooooold tonight. brrrrrrrr...

I was thinking about (and drinking) Yebisu dark beer tonight. So I have a question:
How do you write Yebisu in カタカナ??

Oh! It's on the label! Hmmm... What can people reading this weblog tell me about 「ヱ」?^_-

Wednesday, January 04, 2006


ちょっと遅いですね。。。クリスマスビールだけど、「ホリデービール」と呼んでも良いと思います。Anchor Christmas Ale (ラガーじゃなくてエール)。アメリカに住んでいた時(会社員の時)一回出張で San Francisco に行って、Anchorの工場を見に行きました。

Anchor Christmas Aleはとてもおいしいと思います。黒くて、ハーブぽいの味です。ラベルもきれいだと思います。先週、イトーヨーカドーで買いました。


Monday, January 02, 2006


私は母国語は英語ですから、あいづちが違うから、日本人が電話する時たまにエロイビデオに似ている。「うん。。。うん。。。うんうんうん!」 ^_-