
向こうから来た人が世田谷、東京、日本の生活を楽しんでいる (^_^)

Friday, June 30, 2006

Friday's English

Here's a request about comments: when I post in Japanese, I hope people write comments in Japanese. When I post in English, you can comment in English (if you don't feel comfortable with English, Japanese is always OK, but keep in mind that if it's fancy, complicated Japanese, I probably won't be able to understand it...)

The main thing I want to avoid is English comments about Japanese posts.

Saw in the online newspaper today that 25% of Japanese junior high and high school students suffer from sleep disorders. I've often wondered how Japanese people can fall asleep so easily on the trains. Maybe this is part of the reason.

On Tuesday I watched a junior high school boy falling asleep on the shoulder of a stranger (a middle-aged man) on the train. The man was irritated and he often jerked his shoulder up to get the boy off his shoulder. But the boy always leaned to his left again and ended up on the man's shoulder...

Maybe I would do the same. But if it's a cute girl, maybe I would let her sleep peacefully...

Thursday, June 29, 2006

80年代フラッシュバック(Tainted Love)

「Tainted Love」は有名な歌ですが。。。ビデオはそんなに面白くないと思うけど、Synthの音が好きです。最近日本の女性(洋!?)服の店で、「Tainted Love」をサンプルした新しい歌も聞こえます。

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

carry oaky ;-)

私達はあまり日本語の発音ができないから、カラオケは「carry oaky」に成っちゃう。今日友達と一緒に行きました。実はカラオケはあまり好きじゃない(と思った)。一人でアパートにいる時歌うのはまあまあできるが、カラオケに行ったら下手です。。。:-( だけど、今日 "You Spin Me Round"(恥ずかしい)と"Bizarre Love Triangle"と"That's the way (I like it)"を見つけて、楽しめました!

Sunday, June 25, 2006



また、全然日本と関係ないポストですね。もうしわけない。でも、そのパリ風バゲットは日本のデパートで作られたね。^_- 後、使った牛肉はやっぱりアメリカのではない。^_- (国内だって)

Friday, June 23, 2006

Friday's English - Genki

To answer Hiro's question in the comments: yes, I'm genki! Yesterday, I got my visa extension. So I can stay in Japan until 2009. :-o I'm already planning how to make use of the summer. Fishing near Chuzenji? A visit to the Oiden festival? A drive to the Japan Sea? (from hikejapan) Maybe all of the above.

Did I ever tell you how delicious Bass Pale Ale is (what I'm drinking now)? It may be underrated, but it's tasty and has a nice fruity, malty "nose".

Here's my favorite toy lately... I learned about it from some of my students. Iemon presents are awesome. When it's too muggy to open the window, I hang it from my air conditioner (but that's probably cheating).

PS: in searching for Iemon info, I noticed this "slim & beauty" campaign. Makes me chuckle -- because this is one of the really weird things for a native speaker: making a slogan that has an adjective and a noun together.

Thursday, June 22, 2006


Youtubeはとても面白いと思う。特に好きなグループのビデオを探すのは楽しいです。DuranDuranはそんなに好きじゃなかったが、LeBonとRhodesのside project 「Arcadia」はけっこう好きでした。昨日このすばらしいビデオを見つけた。変なディズ二ーライドみたいですね。懐かしい。

Wednesday, June 21, 2006



Monday, June 19, 2006


この本で"fake coffee"について読んだから、飲みたく成った。だから週末National Azabuに行った時、Cafixを買っちゃった。;-)


Friday, June 16, 2006

Friday's English - Lazy

Not writing much Japanese lately, am I... ;-) Maybe I'll get back to it someday (soon?). busy busy...

Here are some things I like (yeah, that's about the corniest thing one can write on a weblog, I know):

sleep tight
damned good beer

Enjoy the weekend everybody!

Friday, June 09, 2006

Friday's English "Gaba"

Well, nobody gave me advice on a Father's Day present (thanks for nothing!), so I decided on "mental balance chocolate" (?! Gaba), "hi-technical excellent taste and flavor" gum (Black Black), some mujirushi notebooks, and pegcil pencils and pens...

Friday, June 02, 2006

Friday's English - Father's Day Gift??

It's Friday again... I skipped writing last week - maybe the first time all year. But I just wasn't in the right mood.

Lately, I'm grooving on books from amazon.co.jp. Since for some reason they won't accept my credit card, I walk down the street to 7-eleven and pay there (and try to resist buying booze, too). Japanese convenience stores are really cool!

Another thing I'm grooving on is Brian Kage's "Detroit Sessions" podcasts. The first one and the latest one are quite nice IMHO.


PS: almost forgot! Any advice on what to give my father for Father's Day??