
向こうから来た人が世田谷、東京、日本の生活を楽しんでいる (^_^)

Friday, June 30, 2006

Friday's English

Here's a request about comments: when I post in Japanese, I hope people write comments in Japanese. When I post in English, you can comment in English (if you don't feel comfortable with English, Japanese is always OK, but keep in mind that if it's fancy, complicated Japanese, I probably won't be able to understand it...)

The main thing I want to avoid is English comments about Japanese posts.

Saw in the online newspaper today that 25% of Japanese junior high and high school students suffer from sleep disorders. I've often wondered how Japanese people can fall asleep so easily on the trains. Maybe this is part of the reason.

On Tuesday I watched a junior high school boy falling asleep on the shoulder of a stranger (a middle-aged man) on the train. The man was irritated and he often jerked his shoulder up to get the boy off his shoulder. But the boy always leaned to his left again and ended up on the man's shoulder...

Maybe I would do the same. But if it's a cute girl, maybe I would let her sleep peacefully...


At 6/30/2006 7:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 6/30/2006 7:34 PM, Blogger hiro said...

lols, well, my son is in high school and he stays up very late in the night every day.
I'd been worrying about that, but later I knew the truth, he slept enough in his classes at school. ;)

ahh,, acutally I hate that sleeping middle aged man leans on my shoulder. ><

At 6/30/2006 8:01 PM, Blogger ryecatcher said...

Watching people sleep on the train can be fun. When people sleep with their mouths open, we sometimes say they are "catching flies". I always think this when I see some dude sleeping with his mouth open on the train. But there's nobody to tell the joke to... :-(


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