
向こうから来た人が世田谷、東京、日本の生活を楽しんでいる (^_^)

Friday, January 27, 2006

Friday's English (Itinerary)

Today's itinerary was:

6am - wake up, shower, breakfast of orange juice, oatmeal and coca-cola ;-)
9am - start work
1pm - lunch with students, one a "city girl", the other a "country girl"
5pm - shopping...mujirushi chili, Fisherman's Friend mints (for tomorrow's hike), and beer
7pm - write a little on 日本は面白い/世田谷の米国人
8pm - drink beer, drink whiskey, plan tomorrow's hike along the Sengen ridge
10pm - watch "My Name is Earl"

what an exciting day! :-| ??


At 1/27/2006 10:54 PM, Blogger ryecatcher said...

ところで、初めてFisherman's Friendを食べた時(飲んだ時??)はドイツで、ホームステイのお父さんにもらいました。

今、それを書くと懐かしい。。。あれはHohes Venn"でハイキングに行った日。

At 1/27/2006 11:04 PM, Blogger ryecatcher said...

woops! Guess I was drinking too much... I forgot that this is Friday's English and posted a comment to my own weblog in Japanese... %-)

So... the first time I tried Fisherman's Friend lozenges was while hiking with my homestay family in Germany. My homestay "father" handed me one (and probably said something like they are "echt stark"). Nothing like breathing in cool, fresh air after one of those mints.

Anyway, the homestay little sister has grown up into a 美人, a real beauty.

Yep, better stop writing now... too tipsy. ;-)

At 1/28/2006 1:24 AM, Blogger hiro said...

I saw the picture of Sengen. Brrrr,, seems it should be very cold in this season. And do you think you are all right to hike today after drinking that much? :)

At 1/28/2006 9:04 PM, Blogger ryecatcher said...

Hiro, actually I didn't drink that much... but I get tipsy quickly on days that I wake up early. But you're right, I wanted to wake up at 6 today, too, but I was too lazy and turned off the alarm and slept until 7am.

At 1/28/2006 9:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"My name is Earl" is a good show to watch, isn't it?? But "The OC" that is on a different channel is also good...have you seen it?? I believe it's on the same time as "My name is Earl" is on. Hot chicks are in the show, so you might find it sort of interesting.

Friends say I am such a child/teenager/groupie though...
"24" has just been started and it goes to an hour every Monday in the area where my kareshi lives in. It doesn't give you a break he says, so please check it out too! (If you're interested in.)


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