Friday's English Horror!
Yes, HORROR! Well, I was just thinking of Koji Suzuki's novel "Ring". I've never seen the movies, but I found the book in English at the Setagaya library. I read the "dust jacket" and it was very interesting - he wrote the novel while being "Mr. Mom" with his daughters. Before that, he was a "cram school" teacher and told scary stories to his students and they enjoyed the stories. While his wife was working as a school teacher, he stayed at home to take care of their young daughters. With his daughter on his lap, he worked on "Ring".
That "story behind the story" is almost as cool as the horror story about "the ring" itself. If you haven't read the book, you should. I've heard it's quite different in a few ways from the movies. Quite different in very, very interesting ways...
PS: apparently, he likes Hemingway's stories, too.