
向こうから来た人が世田谷、東京、日本の生活を楽しんでいる (^_^)

Sunday, May 28, 2006


じゃ、日記じゃなくて”Memoirs"。。。先週お母さんから、「Memoirs of a Geisha」もらいました。いっぱい人がぼやいたが、(珍しくてJapanese-Americans)僕はけっこうきれいな映画と思います。8年前、元彼女に「Maiko are apprentice Geisha」と言った時、元彼女の(バカな)同僚(男の人)が「違う!あなたは日本人です。なんでアメリカ人に日本の文化を教えてもらう?」


Thursday, May 25, 2006



Monday, May 22, 2006



Saturday, May 20, 2006


昨日Buchiに行きました。ワンカップ酒を飲みたかったから、山形の上喜元を注文しました。店員さんはとても優しかった。ワンカップを注文するとミックスナッツをサービスでもらいます。molasses walnutsが特においしかった。Buchiのメニューはいっぱいおいしい物があると思う:たとえば、Rocketサラダ、スモーク湯でたまご、いろいろ。。。今度ぜったいまた行くと思います。

Friday, May 19, 2006

Friday's English "Rainy Season"

Well, it's 5:18am... Woke up at 4, tried to go back to sleep but couldn't because I was listening to the girl upstairs stomp around. She looks about 50kg, but sounds about 100kg.

Lots of good news lately! It's rainy every day, so the rainy season is here. To the Japanese readers, yes, I know the "official rainy season" doesn't start until the "Japan Ministry of Rainy Seasons" says it starts, but hey, it's rainy every day, so as far as I'm concerned it's the "rainy season".

OK, I'll try not to be in a bad mood... I'll tell you a funny story. At one of the places I teach, there are young students. From the beginning of the classes I've told them that I can't speak Japanese. But from time to time I accidentally let slip something in Japanese and whenever I do they freak out and start screaming "HE SPEAKS JAPANESE! HE JUST SPOKE JAPANESE!" but I deny it and make that Japanese gesture, waving my hand back and forth (almost looks like waving goodbye), saying "no, I can't speak Japanese".

OK, not such a funny story...

I should be happy because all the rain is bringing plenty of mushrooms, but I haven't been mushroom hunting lately. Ah, what to do this weekend??? Maybe a nice bottle of kudoki jouzu (くどき上手) will inspire me and lift my spirits... Maybe if I drink it, I'll meet a girl like this. ^_^

Thursday, May 18, 2006



Tuesday, May 16, 2006


じゃ、ちょっと違う。ヨモギじゃなくて、アブサンの話ですが。。。ヨモギは英語で「mugwort」で、アブサン(ハーブ)は「wormwood」です。学名は:ヨモギ=Artemisia vulgaris, アブサン=Artemisia absinthium



Monday, May 15, 2006


昨日MSNMessengerでお母さんとビデオチャットして、「Happy Mother's Day」と言いました。そして、日本人の芸能人の中で、だれがハンサムについて話しました。僕は「"Shall We Dance"の男」と言った。どう思いますか?でも僕は男の人ですから、速くカワイイ女性に変わった。お母さんにこの人はカワイイと言いました(スマイルがカワイイですから^_-)。


Sunday, May 14, 2006


また日本の物じゃないけど、ポンパニッケルについて書きたいと思います。昨日世田谷の信濃屋に行って、ポンパニッケルパンを買いました。89年、ドイツに住んでいた時初めて食べて、とてもおいしかった。原材料は:ライ麦粉、水、シュガービートシロップ、塩、大麦モルツエキス、酵母。こんな物。焼いたら、チェダーチーズのトッピング付け、おいしいです! :-d

信濃屋は会員カード作ってもらいましたが、バカな事です。。。高いアブサンを買った後作ってもらったから。。。 :-(

Saturday, May 13, 2006



Friday, May 12, 2006

Friday's English "Traveling to America??"

Here's a guide with advice for Japanese people traveling to America. What do you think?

PS: I can hear the chorus singing at the high school nearby. Oh wait! It's not the chorus... it's the tennis club yelling "FAITO!" ^_-

Thursday, May 11, 2006




Tuesday, May 09, 2006


先週Amazonで注文した本「The Dangerous Summer」と「Yoga for People Who Can't Be Bothered to Do It」は今日着いた。いつも来ているPelicanさんが持って来た(Pelicanはバイトで、本当の仕事はRockBandの人みたいから、面白い人です)。visaで払うのはできなくて、7-11で払いました。日本のコンビニは本当に便利だと思います。^_^

Hauntedはもう終わり。。。金曜日に「Cassandraのストーリーは仏教みたい」って書いたが、最後のChapterを読んだ時「あっ、ちょっと違う」と思った。でもやっぱりあっている - 仏教の「corpse meditation」だった。:-(

Sunday, May 07, 2006

おりがみHipster PDA



English below the fold...
Playing around with this Origami Hipster PDA lately. More interesting than the folded paper is the "Pegcil" pencil. I also imagine that after using all the pages (after filling up the front and back, you just fold inside out -- guess it gives you, what, 16 pages? Three main folds -> 2^3*2 ;-) unfolding it and looking at your work of art in progress might be interesting. Click the picture for a (poorly shot) step-by-step folding montage.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Friday's English "Haunted"

Reading Chuck Palahniuk's Haunted *. It's a damned good book. Creepy. Not for the faint of heart. But the story about Cassandra and "The Nightmare Box" is dead-on what I've read about Buddhist enlightenment...

* He's the guy who wrote Fight Club.

Got Haunted at Tower Records. It's finally out in paperback. I was looking for a copy of Hemingway's The Dangerous Summer. But instead of getting a dark book about bullfighting I got a dark book about... people.

Friday's English (A little complaining)

Wow, Shinjuku and Shibuya are crowded on these holidays. In my Japanese language textbook, it said that such long holidays are the best time to wander around Tokyo, because everybody is off to someplace else (maybe the textbook was actually talking about Obon...). But it doesn't seem to be true.

At Mister Donut, an older lady tried to cut in line in front of me. This happens often here in Japan. Usually, I let it go. But today I was in a bad mood, so I said "chotto ii desu ka?" and ordered. What do Japanese readers here think about people breaking in line in front of you??

But anyway, I got my 3 cafe au lait okawaris at Mister Donut. And I talked to a girl from Aomori (visiting Tokyo) who was studying English next to me. She said she likes Disneyland. I guess most Japanese people do, right? But it's strange, I'm an American, and I don't have much interest in Disneyland...

On the Morel front, I found a small one by Sengawa yesterday. I think I scared the obaasan walking by me. I said, "konnichiwa". She nodded. Then I said, "kinoko wo mitsuketa" and pointed to it. She looked scared. Then she saw it and said, "hontou!" Yesterday, many Japanese people looked at me like I was a "kowaihito" (note the racist big nose - you see this often in school textbooks). Maybe it was because I hadn't shaved (from www.e-famosos.com)! ^_-

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Morel 旅行 Part 2


ドライブの時いつも早くコンビニで止まる。コーラとパン(pastry)を買って、払う時おばさんの店員が間違って、「oh shoot!」(「oh shit!」か)と聞こえた。私が英語で「it sounded like you were speaking English there」と言って。おばさんが「I lived in Hawaii!」と言いました。少し会話できて、ゴールデンウィークやドライブについて話しました。それはこのMorel旅行の2番目ビックリして/嬉しかった所。すぐ東京を出て、friendlyな人に会うと思って、速く田舎へ引っ越したほうがいいと思った。^_-


ちょうど道志から都留市まで林道のトンネルを出て、ドライブの最初の 「pinkel pause」 をして(ドイツに住んでいた時、この面白い言葉ホストファザーに教えてもらた!)、土地に見て、白いアミガサタケ2本を見つけた。この週末はぜったいラッキーだと思った!

Monday, May 01, 2006

Morel 旅行 Part 1

土曜日、朝6時。昨日少し準備しましたが、まだ終わっていない。7時11分の電車乗る前いろいろしなければ成らない。パッキング(風袋??英語のpacking for a tripと言いたい)、シャワー、インタネットで天気チェックして。。。昨日Yahooジャパンでは雨だって。でも外に見たら、良い天気です。じゃ、雨の場合はしょうがない、先週車の予約したから。




もちろん、リストは英語で書いた。見出し(?)ヘディング(?)は"eating", "sleeping", "relaxing", "clothing", "walking", "various", "fishing", "travelling", "shrooming".


