
向こうから来た人が世田谷、東京、日本の生活を楽しんでいる (^_^)

Friday, March 03, 2006

Friday's English (Plane Trees/Shinjuku Gyoen)

Sorry I'm not writing much these days. Well, I'm not writing much here, but I'm writing elsewhere... ;-) Let me know if you're angry and want me to write more here - and want me to write more in Japanese. :-o

I went to pick up my paycheck today. Then wandered into Shinjuku Gyoen. I always go back to the "French Formal Garden" and imagine that I'm in the Luxembourg Garden in Paris. (If I were in Paris, maybe I would imagine being in Shinjuku Gyoen!) I like the Sycamore trees there (plane trees). Especially now in winter with no leaves, they give me the feeling of Europe and winter and make me nostalgic (懐かしい).

I had seen them before, but today I saw the parrots(?) again(ワカケホンセイインコ). I was sitting on a bench in the French Garden area and heard them. Then they flew and perched on the sycamore tree near me. One of the parrots went into a hole in the tree. I think they have a nest there. It made me happy to see them and it reminded me of my ex-girlfriend who had a parakeet (インコ).

PS: apparently, Shinjuku Gyoen has a webcam!


At 3/04/2006 4:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

特に"French Formal Garden" という言葉に惹かれます。フランス好きなものですから(笑)。

P.S. ソフトを変えたら日本語で書き込めるようになりました。ラッキー!

At 3/04/2006 6:59 PM, Blogger ryecatcher said...

Hi Neco,

Congrats on getting the posting in Japanese to work. I'll post in English because I'm lazy and because it was "Friday's English". ^_^

Yeah, I came back from fishing... very early... the river was muddy and it was basically impossible to fish. :-(

So you wanna go to the French Garden in Shinjuku Gyoen? You should go with me sometime! ^_-

At 3/04/2006 10:01 PM, Blogger hiro said...

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At 3/06/2006 5:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 3/06/2006 8:50 PM, Blogger ryecatcher said...

Hi Neco,

I went to the French Garden in Shinjuku Gyoen again yesterday (and walked through Meiji Jingu, too). The French Garden is probably not so beautiful for most people in this season because the flowers aren't blooming yet and the plane trees look a little scary. But I still like it. You can email me by looking at my blogger profile! Thanks for posting!


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